WEBINAR: Resources & Guidance for Grundy County Businesses
The Grundy Economic Development Council & Grundy Chamber present a webinar with the IL Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity on programs to assist businesses impacted by COVID-19. The presentation will provide information on SBA and state programs, IL Dept. of Employment Security information, and CARES Act programs. A question and answer session also will be available.
Tuesday, April 21
12pm to 1pm
Virtual Meeting
Free to attend & no registration.
To join the meeting the day of:
Web: https://illinois.webex.com/illinois/j.php?MTID=m115dcf666ad495b47784cee77cbfb55a
Meeting Number: 280 532 576
Password: peNBmBpq484
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0002 US TOLL
Access Code: 280 532 576