Red Cross to honor 2 Grundy County heroes

The American Red Cross of Chicago & Northern Illinois is honoring exceptional individuals from the Chicago and Northern Illinois area for their outstanding acts of heroism, dedication and service – two of which are from Grundy County.
At the organization’s 17th Annual Heroes Breakfast Megan Bugg of Coal City will receive the Youth Hero Award and Detective Sergeant Paul Clampitt of Morris is the Emergency Medical Assistance Hero. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 1 from 7:30-9:30 a.m. at the Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan Ave. To purchase tickets or for more information call 312-729-6178 or go to website:
“It is an honor and privilege for the American Red Cross to recognize the selfless acts of these heroes and their significant contributions,” said Celena Roldán, Chief Executive Officer of the American Red Cross of Chicago & Northern Illinois. “Attendees at the Chicago & Northern IL Heroes Breakfast will understand what it means to “Be Human. Be Kind. Be Inspired.” They will be introduced to the heroes among us, such as the doctor who risks his life to provide medical care to children in Syria, the teenager fighting cancer who advocates on behalf of other children, to the daughter of immigrants who puts her retirement plans on hold to provide services to veterans,” added Roldán.
At 13 years-old, Bugg was diagnosed with stage four Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, a form of cancer that grows in soft tissue. Despite enduring debilitating chemotherapy, radiation and three surgeries, Bugg used her difficult situation to bring awareness to childhood cancer. She has raised over $150,000 to fund childhood cancer research with the support of her parents and community. She recently graduated from high school and her goal is to attend college in California and work in the entertainment industry. The once shy 13-year-old has found her voice, and has become fervent in her goal to bring awareness to childhood cancer. Megan has spoken to members of her state government about the issue, and was also a featured speaker in Washington D.C. at 2018’s Curefest.
Clampitt was nominated and chosen for saving Ken Iverson of Morris’ life. Clampitt, who was off duty at the time, heard a radio call for emergency assistance for an unresponsive person, he rushed to the location. Upon arrival at a local Morris restaurant, he grabbed the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) from his vehicle and administered one shock to the man’s heart, which revived the victim. To his surprise, the man he revived was his former teacher and childhood basketball coach. Due to Paul’s quick thinking, response time and use of the AED, he not only saved the man’s life but also prevented any lasting side effects, according to a news release.
In addition to everyday heroes being honored in 11 categories, Mr. Frederick H. Waddell, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Northern Trust will be honored with the prestigious Heritage Award for his commitment to philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, volunteerism, and his dedication to improving the quality of life in Chicago.
Heroes were chosen by an independent committee of leaders in the business and civic community.