Phase 4 guidelines; New state grant app delayed

Dear Members,
The State of Illinois has released Phase 4 Guidelines starting Friday, June 26 for doing business in various industries. The details for Phase 4 and several industries will be linked throughout this email below. For overall information visit Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity Phase 4 site here. If you and your employees are able, the state encourages continue to work from home when possible.
In addition, the state has also put off posting the applications for the Business Interruption Grants until Tuesday, June 23. The applications will be available here.
For the Restaurant & Bar Industry the largest change appears to be for indoor seating you are to follow what your area capacity allows with seating a minimum of 6 ft. between tables or other designated patron service areas. For standing areas, maximum occupancy is 25% of standing area. Also, 10-person party limits are now allowed. For details on Restaurants & Bars visit here.
For offices, capacity is limited at 50%. Office guidelines are detailed here.
Retail businesses are also allowed 50% capacity and customers should be encouraged to wear masks still. Retail guidelines are available here.
Gyms and Fitness Centers can have 50% of occupancy. Classes should have 6 feet between participants without a barrier or 3 feet with a barrier and are limited to 50 people. For gym full details visit here.
Personal care businesses such as salons are allowed 50% capacity as well, but still should not take walk-ins. Clients should still wear masks. Personal Care guidelines are found here.
Additional industry guidelines for manufacturing, theaters, museums, zoos and more are available on the Phase 4 site here. Each industry has its own set and the state has provided signage and other resources on the site so please read through it thoroughly.
The Grundy Chamber’s industry-specific phase page has been updated with all of this information and more so please check the Chamber site often for more information. Best of luck to all our businesses and industries as you adjust to these guidelines. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me at 815-715-2806 or email [email protected].
Christina Van Yperen
President & CEO