IL releases mitigation plan for industries in case of resurgence
Today the Governor announced a mitigation plan in case of a resurgence in any of Illinois’ regions. In addition, Gov. Pritzker also announced that Grundy and Kendall Counties have been removed from the original region it was in that included Chicago and are now a part of the North-Central Region. This means we are no longer grouped with Chicago data when it comes to COVID-19 percentages, which is what the phases are based on. Grundy County is now grouped with its other neighboring counties such as La Salle and Livingston.
Although a mitigation plan has been released, we currently are still in Phase 4 and have not reached resurgence numbers.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has stated that an increase in restrictions will happen if “sustained increase in 7-day rolling average (7 out of 10 days) in the positivity rate AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
• Sustained 7-day increase in hospital admissions for a COVID-19 like illness
• Reduction in hospital capacity threatening surge capabilities (ICU capacity or
medical/surgical beds under 20%)
• Three consecutive days averaging greater than or equal to 8% positivity rate”
In the plan, located here, specific industry actions to be taken are listed in tiers if a resurgence was to occur. For instance, for restaurants and bars, in Tier 1 indoor dining capacity would be reduced and bar service halted. In Tier 2 indoor service and bar service would be suspended, and in Tier 3 in-person dining is suspended and carry-out only will be allowed.
Each industry has a different mitigation plan.
Please know the State has not instructed this plan to take place now. We are not in a resurgence currently, a plan has just been released in case and to help prepare. The Grundy Chamber will continue to circulate information as we are made aware and will be updated. For more information visit