Grundy Resiliency Project website launched

MORRIS – The Grundy Resiliency Project website,, is live and filled with information on the project’s goals, progress and future plans.

The resiliency project is being done by the Grundy Economic Development Council and the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry to help diversify our local economy. The organizations were given a $600,000 grant for the project from the U.S. Economic Development Administration at the end of last year. These grants help nuclear host communities plan for and build more diverse, resilient economies. Grundy’s grant is being matched 20% by Grundy County, and North Central Council of Governments is assisting as the grant administrator.

The grant focuses on regions with nuclear plants and provides funding to local entities to evaluate economic impacts, competitive diversification, decommissioning issues and building community capacity.

One of the components of the resiliency project is engaging the public. This new website is one of the tools to help the organizations communicate the purpose, and to reach out for feedback and involvement as the project progresses.

“The website contains information on how this project came to be and the pillars of the project scope. It will continue to contain the latest news on the resiliency project as well as reports related to the energy field that we in Grundy County should be aware of,” Grundy Chamber President & CEO Christina Van Yperen said.

As the project continues there will be requests for proposals, public meetings and other news to share that will be posted to

Currently the economic overview of the project is being conducted with the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute. The completed economic overview is expected in the fall. The scope of the project is over 24 months and includes future steps of researching the decommissioning process of nuclear plants and developing a roadmap of opportunities for Grundy.

For more information on the Grundy Resiliency Project visit