Grundy moves to Tier 1 – indoor dining allowed
Dear Members,
Region 2, which includes Grundy County, has been moved to Tier 1 effective immediately. With this move, numerous mitigations have changed for multiple industries, including the ability to have indoor dining again with limitations.
A full list of the new mitigation guidelines can be found at the Illinois Department of Public Health site here. The Grundy County Health Department will release further local details Monday.
A summary of some of the industry details are below:
Bars & Restaurants
- All bars and restaurants close at 11 pm and may reopen no earlier than 6 am the following day
- Indoor service limited to the lesser of 25 guests or 25% capacity per room
- Establishments offering indoor service must serve food
- Indoor service reservations limited to 2-hour maximum duration and maximum 4 persons per party (dining only with members of the same household recommended)
- All bar and restaurant patrons should be seated at tables
- No ordering, seating, or congregating at bar (bar stools should be removed)
- Tables should be 6 feet apart
- No standing or congregating indoors or outdoors while waiting for a table or exiting
- No dancing or standing indoors
- Reservations required for each party
- No seating of multiple parties at one table
- Includes private clubs and country clubs
Meetings, social events and gatherings (including weddings, funerals, potlucks, etc.)
- Limit to lesser of 25 guests or 25% of overall room capacity both in and outdoors
- Applicable to professional, cultural and social group gatherings
- Not applicable to students participating in-person classroom learning, or sports.
- This does not reduce the overall facility capacity dictated by general Phase 4 business guidance such as office, personal care, retail, etc.
- No party buses
Tier 1 mitigations can be pulled back if region numbers get worse. and the Chamber’s social media pages continue to be updated with the most recent information relating to businesses and COVID-19.
If you have questions or if the Chamber can be of assistance during this time please email [email protected] or call 815-942-0113.
Christina Van Yperen
President & CEO