Small Business Collaborators (SBC)
A business round-table group through the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Upcoming Events
New Members
Explore SBC
Are you looking for a unique way to build your business? The Grundy County Chamber’s Small Business Collaborators (SBC) group will give you the opportunity to meet with numerous other business professionals. During the meeting time, you will have numerous chances to explain your line of work in order to educate those around the room. In time it will seem as if those people will be working for you. If you are the type of person who enjoys discussing different business topics and sharing your wealth of knowledge with others and enjoys referring businesses to others then SBC is right for you!
This unique group provides additional opportunities for members who are interested in a smaller, more focused, structured and frequent form of networking. It is a combination of individuals from the business community who meet to share ideas, information and ultimately exchange leads/referrals.
Although the main focus is on generating more business, the group can provide a great way to become more comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. Also, you will have a chance to perfect a short sales pitch, pick up on ideas and practices that you may have never thought of, and bounce ideas off of professionals from different walks of life.
Send us an email or call 815-942-0113!
Visit a meeting!
We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings (8 a.m.) at the Chamber's Main Office in Morris.
Join SBC
The Small Business Collaborators group is an affiliated group of the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry, whose objective is to help businesses grow through business round-table meetings. The purpose of the meeting is to have a place to discuss ideas and problems unique to small business owners and to generate new business through quality leads and referrals.

Current SBC Members
Grundy County Chamber
Amanda Hiller
(815) 942-0113Cloud Nine Web Design
Ed Ellingham
(815) 585-4800Kathy Cherven Grief Counseling Services
Kathy Cherven
(815) 416-9036Morris National Bank & Trust
Angela Lilek
(815) 941-0044
Morris National Bank & Trust
Linda Taglia
(815) 941-0044
Sarah R. Peterson Photography
Sarah Peterson
(815) 416-9022
Three Wells Acupuncture Clinic
Laurie Stone
(815) 942-2580
Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Small Business Collaborators
The Grundy County Chamber has established a Small Business Collaborators (SBC) group, which meets twice a month to help member businesses flourish. Specifically, participation in SBC offers:
- A chance to learn from other professionals and bounce ideas off of one another
- The active exchange of business referrals (leads)
- A platform for forming strong relationships with other professionals
- Continual and higher level of involvement in the Grundy County Chamber
All SBC applicants must agree to the following terms and conditions, and be approved by the Grundy County Chamber staff liaison. Participants of the SBC must meet the following criteria:
- Be current on SBC dues. Dues are $100 for the first year and $75 upon renewal.
- Maintain consistent attendance (see Attendance requirement)
Member Requirements
- Possible SBC members are invited to visit SBC once as a guest and then may return to the group, as a paying member, if space is available.
- Guests must be a prospective member of SBC, not a coworker or business partner.
- An SBC member may have a coworker or business partner attend a meeting in his or her absence.
- Each member is responsible for providing a supply of business cards for distribution to other members.
- ATTENDANCE to meetings shall be considered the same as any other business appointment. If an individual is unable to attend, they must notify the Chamber liaison prior to the meeting.
- If a member leaves the organization there will be no refund of dues paid.
Topics Discussed in Round-Table Sessions
Delegation, small business tools, and resources, project management, dealing with difficult customers, marketing and advertising, etc.
Chamber Responsibilities
- Maintain a current and accurate waiting list of interested applicants.
- Secure meeting space.
- Provide a Chamber staff person as a liaison per each meeting. A staff person will attend meetings and provide updates on upcoming Chamber activities.
- Keep records of attendance, payment of dues, guest speakers, and other schedules.
- Contact members who are delinquent on dues or falling short of attendance requirements and informing the member of their responsibilities.
- Sends guests follow-up evaluation surveys about the meeting they attended.
Meetings Format
Meals are not provided, though, members may purchase or bring their own meal to the meeting (however, it is arranged with the meeting facility).
- Meetings are held biweekly at a predetermined time and place.
- Members state their name and describe their business (30 seconds each).
- Any current or new business is discussed.
- The Chamber liaison presents upcoming events and news.
- The ‘Business Spotlight’ member stands and presents their prepared 10-minute presentation in front of the group or we start the round-table discussion on that meeting's topic.
- Each member then either presents a referral, testimonial or gives the group more information about another business in the group which may help to educate others on the full extent of that business.
- The Business Spotlight schedule is determined.
- Meeting is adjourned.
Business Spotlight Requirements
As a benefit of membership, each Network member will be offered the opportunity to give a “spotlight” talk to the group on a rotating basis. As such, the speaker is responsible for:
- Preparing a 10-minute presentation of their business.
- Providing copies of brochures, flyers, etc (if appropriate) to group members.
Ready to grow your business?
Partner with the Grundy Chamber of Commerce and grow your business in your community