Chamber Ambassador Spotlight: Dayna Manegold

Chamber Ambassadors are some of the Chamber’s top liaisons to membership. They play a vital role in member retention, recruitment, and communication. Each Ambassador has made a commitment to addressing member needs through information and support, and to ensuring that questions or concerns are heard by the Grundy County Chamber Staff and Board.

Below we highlight one of our new ambassadors, Dayna Manegold of Streator Onized Credit Union. Welcome to the Ambassador Club Dayna and thank you for your dedication to the Chamber.

My position at SOCU: Branch Manager

I became an Ambassador with the Chamber because:
“I love connecting with people and creating new opportunities.”

To me, the most important thing about being an Ambassador is:
“Spreading positive messages and influencing consumer sales.”

When I’m not at work I like to:
“Fish, go camping, mini golf, and going to Cubs games.”

An interesting or unusual fact about me is:
“I own a motorcycle.”

To learn more about our Ambassadors and to see more Ambassador Spotlights visit